Julie Stark
Upcoming Courses
2020 Dates TBA.
Level 1 Practical: Jan 31- Feb 3, 2020
ICT Kikkawa College, Toronto, ON
This is a 4 day practical class. The online theory exam must be purchased separately and the exam attempted prior to attending this class. An opportunity will be given for a retest if necessary.
Please register through www.vodderschool.com
Level 1 Practical Review: Feb 23, 2020
Waterloo, ON
This 4 hour class gives you the opportunity to review your Level 1 techniques and routines to help you prepare for the Level 2 or Level 3 classes.
Please use registration form below
Level 1 Theory Review: April 27, 2020
Waterloo, ON
This 4 hour class gives you the opportunity to review theoretical concepts and answer any questions you have about the Level 1 theory material. An opportunity to retest will be given at the end of the day if necessary. The online theory course must be purchased and an exam attempt completed prior to attending this class.
Please use registration form below
Level 1 Practical: April 28-May 1, 2020
Waterloo, ON
This is a 4 day practical class, The online theory exam must be purchased separately and the exam attempted prior to attending this class. An opportunity will be given for a retest if necessary. There is also the option to purchase the theory review and retest on the afternoon before this course begins.
Please use registration form below
Level 2: May 26-29, 2020
London, ON
Instructor: Sandra MacDonald
This is a 4 day practical class. Level 1 (practical and theory) must be completed before attending this class.
Please use registration form below.
Level 1: June 15-18, 2020
ICT Kikkawa College, Toronto, ON
This is a 4 day practical class. The online theory exam must be purchased separately and the exam attempted prior to attending this class. An opportunity will be given for a retest if necessary.
Please register through www.vodderschool.com
Level 1: Sept 28-Oct 1, 2020
This is a 4 day practical class. The online theory exam must be purchased separately and the exam attempted prior to attending this class. An opportunity will be given for a retest if necessary.
Please register through www.vodderschool.com
To be added to schedule once confirmed:
Level 1 Practical review: fall 2020 (city and date TBD)
Level 1 Practical (plus theory review/exam): fall 2020 (city and date TBD)
Potential Level 3 in Ottawa ON: fall 2020 (based on Instructor availability)
Other locations may be added with enough demand.
Email julie.stark.rmt@gmail.com​ with questions about MLD and the Vodder courses.